Connect Technical Class to Object/Design Part Class


This activity involves connecting a technical class to a design object or design part class, which enables the connection of an automatic template each time a design object or design part is created. Only one technical class per class is allowed. However, one technical class may be reused and related to more than one asset design class. 


System Effects

Technical attributes defined on the connected technical class will be inherited by new objects or design parts of the asset design class, to which the technical class was connected, unless a technical class is specifically defined on a design object or design part. Existing objects or design parts will not inherit a connected technical class' attributes, and will retain the technical class group they received at creation, even if the technical class group is later deleted. 



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Class window.
  2. Search for the class to which you want to connect the technical class.
  3. Enter the technical class to be connected in the Design Object Tech Class or Design Part Tech Class fields depending on if the class is a design object or design part class respectively. Use the List of Values to select a suitable technical class.
  4. Click Save.