Tree Views

Tree views are configured to display and navigate business object structures on the Business Object Explorer. The business object explorer is found on the Enterprise Explorer and comprises of installed business object plug-ins. Expanding the business object explorer will display all installed plug-ins like documents, design objects, design parts and equipment objects.

A tree view can be configured for each business object for which a business object plug-in exists. If a tree view is created from the business object explorer for a specific business object that business object becomes the main business object. For example, a tree view could be created from the business object plug-in for design parts so design parts are the main business object and configurations can be set to display required design parts structures. If relationships exist between the main business object and another business object type settings can be made to display the related business objects as required in the same tree view. For example, a tree view created mainly for design parts could have connected documents in its structure, for which settings could be made on the tab for the documents business object plug-in to show only the required connected documents. For example, those connected documents that are not Obsolete.  

Once the tree view has been created it can be found under the business object navigator node for the business object it was created. For example, if the tree view was created for design objects it can be found by expanding the Explore Design Objects node.

General Tree View Configurations

A tree view can be created, modified and deleted. Once a tree view has been created only the creator of that tree view can modify and delete the tree view, if the need arises. The tree view is found in the left pane of the Enterprise Explorer and consists of nodes and business objects to navigate along business object structures.

However it is possible to define the user or users who can view a particular tree view. Access to view a tree view can be one of three types. Namely:

Configurations can then be made on the main business object and related business objects to determine the information that should be displayed in the tree view as well as how it should be displayed. A created tree view can be modified or deleted via the right mouse button option on the tree view.

Working with Tree Views

It is possible to define the maximum number of business object records that should be displayed directly under a grouping of business objects. This setting is made on the business object plug-in node found underneath the business object explorer. If the number of records that can be fetched for the tree view is more than the maximum number defined for the business object plug-in, an option is available when navigating the tree view to view the previously excluded additional records.

On selecting to a business object or relational folder in the tree view, it is possible to specify the view that needs to open or the function that needs to be performed with that business object. The last selected view or function on a business object or folder will be invoked the next time the business object or folder is selected.

Drag and Drop Operations

Drag-and-drop is a method of easily establishing connections between business objects of the same Explorer Plug-In as well as those of different Explorer Plug-Ins. To perform a drag and drop operation, the right mouse button is continuously pressed to drag the object and then released at the required destination to drop the object. Drag and drop operations can only be completed for valid relations between business objects. Invalid drag and drop operations will be indicated at the invalid destinations with the STOP sign. 

Drag and drop operations can be classified into two main types. They are:

  1. Drag and drop a business object on to another business object. e.g., drag and drop a Document (100-10000001) on to a Design Object (PM-312-PA-001), Design Part (10600010) or Equipment Object (PAP, Enterprise)
  2. Drag and drop a business object to a relational folder of another business object. e.g., drag and drop an Equipment Object to the Document/Equipment Object folder.

Some drag and drop operations and the results obtained are as follows:

Drag and Drop of a Design Object

Action Result
Drop Design Object on a Design Object If both the Locational Part and Functional Part relations are allowed, the user will be prompted to drop the design object on the required relation folder.

If only the Functional Part relation is allowed, the design object will be added as a child object. The focus will be on the Functional Part folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Locational Part relation is allowed, the design object will be added as a child object. The focus will be on the Locational Part folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Design Object on Design Object’s Functional Part folder If the Functional Part relation is allowed, the design object will be added as a child object.
Drop Design Object on Design Object’s Locational Part folder If the Locational Part relation is allowed, the design object will be added as a child object.
Drop Design Object on a Document The document will be connected to the object. The focus will be on the Document’s Design Object folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Design Object on Document’s Design Object folder The document will be connected to the object.
Drop Design Object on Design Part If both the Design Part For and Additional Part For relations are allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part and added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Design Part For relation is allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Additional Part For relation is allowed, the design part will be added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Additional Part For folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Design Object on Design Part For folder If both the Design Part For and Additional Part For relations are allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part and added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Design Part For relation is allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Additional Part For relation is allowed, the design part will be added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Additional Part For folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Design Object on Additional Part For folder If both the Design Part For and Additional Part For relations are allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part and added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Design Part For relation is allowed, the user will be alerted that the drag and drop operation is not possible.

If only the Additional Part For relation is allowed, the design part will be added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Additional Part For folder once the operation is completed.

Drag and Drop of a Design Part

Drop Design Part on a Design Object If both the Design Part and Additional Part relations are allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part and added as an Additional Part for the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Design Part relation is allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part for the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Additional Part relation is allowed, the design part will be added as an Additional Part For the design object. The focus will be on the Additional Part folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Design Part on Design Part folder If both the Design Part and Additional Part relations are allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part and added as an Additional Part fsor the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Design Part relation is allowed, the design part will be related as the Design Part for the design object. The focus will be on the Design Part For folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Additional Part relation is allowed, the user will be alerted that the drag and drop operation is not possible.
Drop Design Part on Additional Part folder If both the Design Part and Additional Part relations are allowed, the design part will be added as an Additional Part for the design object.

If only the Design Part relation is allowed, the user will be alerted that the drag and drop operation is not possible.

If only the Additional Part relation is allowed, the design part will be added as an Additional Part for the design object.
Drop Design Part on a Document The document will be connected to the design part. The focus will be on Document’s Design Part folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Design Part on Document’s Design Part folder A design part connection will be established for the document.
Drop Design Part on a Design Part If both the Consists Of and Belongs To relations are allowed, the user will be prompted to drop the design part on the required relation folder.

If only the Consists Of relation is allowed, the design part will be added as a child relation. The focus will be on the Consists Of folder once the operation is completed.

If only the Belongs To relation is allowed, the design part will be added as a parent relation. The focus will be on the Belongs To folder once the operation is completed.
Drop a Design Part on Design Part Consists Of folder If the Consists Of relation is allowed, the design part will be added as a child relation.
Drop Design Part on Design Part Belongs To folder If the Belongs To relation is allowed, the design part will be added as a parent relation.

Drag and Drop of an Equipment Object

Drop Equipment Object on Document An equipment object connection will be established for the document. The focus will be on Document’s Equipment Objects folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Equipment Object on Document’s Equipment Object folder An equipment object connection will be established for the document.
Drop Serial Object on an Equipment Functional Object An Object Level validation is done and the serial object will be moved if the levels match.
Drop Serial Object on an Equipment Serial Object An Object Level validation is done and the serial object will be moved if the levels match.

Drag and Drop of a Document

Drop Document on a Design Object A document connection will be established for the design object. The focus will be on the Design Object’s Document folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Document on Design Object’s Document folder A document connection will be established for the design object.
Drop Document on Design Part A document connection will be established for the design part. The focus will be on Design Part’s Document folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Document on Design Part’s Document folder A document connection will be established for the design part.
Drop Document on Equipment Object A document connection will be established for the equipment object. The focus will be on Equipment Object’s Document folder once the operation is completed.
Drop Document on Equipment Object’s Document folder A document connection will be established for the equipment object.
Drop Document on a Document Undecided