Milestone Template

Milestone templates are templates created to indicate the progress of a design object. A milestone template can consist of one or more milestones and each milestone will have a pre-defined progress and duration percentage value. The progress value defined on the milestone will represent the progress of development of a design object connected to the particular milestone and the duration value defined on the milestone will represent the percentage of the total hours used by the design object to reach the particular milestone. For a particular milestone on the milestone template, you can also define a design status to update the cumulative progress and duration of a design object connected to this milestone template and number, when the defined design status action is performed. For example, select the Set Completed status for a milestone with a cumulative progress percentage value of 100%.

A milestone template and an appropriate milestone is connected to a design object, at a point in time, to establish its progress at that particular point. Milestone templates can be connected to a design object class or to a design object itself. The progress of a design object can be established either by manually selecting an existing milestone template and a milestone number for the design object or by assigning a default milestone template and an initial milestone to a design object class. As a result, new design objects created with this design object class will automatically receive the milestone template and milestone values, and the progress of the design object is activated.