
Classes group similar technical information, are owned by a standard and are the primary sorting function within IFS/Asset Design. A process design system has separate classes created for pumps, motors, pipes, heat exchangers, instruments, tanks and cables, among others. Each class contains similar technical information, guides permissible relations and display properties, and controls the functionality and behavior of IFS/Asset Design.

IFS/Asset Design employs two types of classes: design object and design part. Design object classes are created first and design part classes are created afterwards to mirror the object classes. The parallel design part-design object class structure simplifies the process of relating the design parts to their object counterparts.

Most of the important design object, design part, and system settings occur on a per-class basis. Class relations determine the allowed interaction between the objects and design parts. Class properties set the appearance and behavior within a Tree View on the Business Object Explorer for objects and design parts.

Class Components

Each class is comprised of (and/or influenced by) the following parts:

Creating Classes

The most important considerations for the creation of a class are:

Class Naming and Sorting Conventions

The following conventions are used when naming and configuring classes:

Design Object Class Considerations

Design object classes are created before adding the member objects. Often the class name (or an abbreviated version of it) will be part of the object ID. It is easier to create the unique object IDs if the class designation already exists.

When setting up object class names, the object's technical data and ID designations should be considered as follows:

Design Part Class Considerations

Design part classes are created after their corresponding design object classes have been created, and they will be given the same names as the design object classes. For example, the design object class, PUMP, and the design part class, PUMP. Class relations will connect the two classes, such that the design part members in the PUMP class are related to the object members in the design object class, PUMP.

Class Identifier

A class identifier, which is a mandatory designation for each class, is used to give the class a common name when different sites use local language names for the class. For example, a class identifier could be set to the English-language Pressure Vessel. For a site in Sweden, the class name Tryckkärl would be used and a site in Germany would use the class name Druckbehälter. However, both sites would use the English-language class identifier Pressure Vessel as a common class name. The Class Identifier becomes invaluable when comparing, importing and exporting data between IFS/Asset Design sites in different countries.

Default Class

A default class structure exists to enable the creation of the objects without defining a class. The default class is particularly valuable during the Asset Design process when the construction database is being populated with objects. The default class structure also has a validation function that assigns an object to the correct class based on the given parent object ID. 

This default class has the following characteristics:

Viewing a Class folder

For a class folder to appear within a Tree View on the Business Object Explorer, the class must be configured, the tree view must be configured to display the class, and an object or design part must be registered within that class. Classes usually form the basis for navigational structures. 

Setting and Clearing Entity-Type Class Definitions

A class that is set as a design object class and/or design part class in the Class window and then cleared of this definition, no longer allows the registration of objects or design parts to it. A class for which the entity-type definition has been cleared does not appear within Lists of Values and cannot take part in a class change. Objects or design parts belonging to a class for which the entity-type definition has been cleared are still visible within the Business Object Explorer, but further registration to that class is prohibited.

Changing Design Object Class 

A design object class can be changed from a design object tree view on the Business Object Explorer and all object windows using a right mouse button option. A dialog box opens showing the current class. The new class is then selected from a pull-down list containing available classes. The available classes are determined by Parent Class.

The following rules apply to object class changes:

Parent Class

The parent class is defined on the design object class level. The parent class structure determines if a design object class change is allowed and to which classes the design object class may be changed. A design object class without a designated parent class is not allowed a class change. 

Parent classes are defined with general class information. For example, Pump Misc would have a general class configuration applicable to centrifugal and diaphragm pumps as well as controlled volume and hydraulic pumps. This is important to avoid conflicts and loss of information, such as technical data, class relations, and class properties when the object's class is changed.

A temporary class structure can be created to group objects by their probable class inclusion. Such a structure is created by defining a parent class for multiple object classes. For example, a generic pump object could be temporarily assigned to the class, Pump Misc. Later, it can be assigned to the Pump Centrifugal class, which would be required to have a parent class of Pump Misc.

An object's class with a designated parent class may be changed to the following accordingly: