Handle Design Part Version


This activity is used to determine if a design part should get a new version or be recreated as a new design part. Design part versions enable a design part's history to be saved in a snapshot of a design part. If a supplier or manufacturer changes a design part's general information (e.g., the identification number), but the equipment's technical information is unchanged, a new design part version is created to separate the old from the new. If the technical information (e.g., production capacity) changes, a new design part ID is warranted.

Each time the design part ID is created (or recreated) the version number is indexed by +1. The first time the design part ID is created, the version is set to 1. The first version change would result in the design part version being set to 2.


The design part must be registered.

System Effects

Each time the design part ID is created (or recreated) the version number is indexed by +1. The first time the design part ID is created the version is set to 1, the second time the design part ID is used the version is set to 2, and so on. The design part's version is appended to the ID with a - (dash) separating the ID and the version.


Design Part
Design Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Design Part
Design Parts


  1. Open the Design Part or Design Parts window.
  2. Search for the design part for which you want to create a new version.
  3. Right-click and click Create New Version. A new version is created. The Latest Version check box is selected by default for a new version.