Change Technical Specification Status


This activity is used to change the technical specification status of a design object or design part to Approved, which approves the design object's or design part's technical information. By default the technical specification status is set to Not Approved.


The design object or design part must have an assigned technical class to enable a change in the technical specification status. 

System Effects

The technical specification status of the design object or design part is changed. By changing the technical specification status for the design object, the values in the Status, By and Date fields will be made available to the equipment object in IFS/Equipment.


Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Design Objects
Design Part
Design Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Design Objects
Design Part
Design Parts


Use this procedure to change the technical specification status for a design object or design part using the Requirements tab on the Design Object or Design Part windows:

  1. Open either the Design Object or the Design Part window, depending on if you want to connect the technical class to a design object or design part.
  2. Search for the required design object or design part record. 
  3. Click the Requirements tab.
  4. Right-click and click Change Status

Use this procedure to change the technical specification status for a design object or design part using Attachments:

  1. Open either one of the following windows depending on the object or design part for which you want to change the technical specification status:
    Design Object
    Design Objects
    Linear Design Objects
    Design Part
    Design Parts
  2. Search for the required object or design part record. If more than one record is displayed, select the required record.
  3. Click Attachments and then click Characteristics.
  4. In Characteristics, the header text will indicate the technical specification status. i.e. Not Approved.  
  5. Right-click and click Set to Approved