Create Invoice


This activity is used to create an invoice for an application for payment. Depending on the default invoice method defined on the contract the system will suggest creating the invoice at a certain point of the Application for Payment process. You may also decide to create the invoice manually by selecting Create Invoice from the right mouse button menu.

The invoice methods that suggest to create an invoice at certain points in the application for payment process are Invoice on Submit Application and Invoice on Certify Application. If you want to manually handle the invoicing, you can select Invoice After Certification. All these invoice methods are default suggestions only and may be overridden when processing the application.

If the invoice method on the application is set to Direct Invoice, it will be compulsory to create an invoice instead of submitting an application. This will normally be used for contracts where you have an agreement with your customer to invoice them directly instead of going through the whole application for payment process. Direct invoicing will not create any application for payment postings.

If invoice method on the application is set to Invoice After Payment the invoice must be created after matching the received payment with one or more applications for payment. The invoice will be created for the exact payment amount.

If a project specified as unique billing is entered in the Project tab of the contract the Unique Project check box will be selected. The project ID will be updated on the application for payment that is created for the items connected to the unique project. The invoice lines created for this application for payment will be unique.

If the Copy Contract Item Tax check box has been selected for the contract at the time of creating the invoice, only the saved tax codes, percentages and amounts on the application for payment will apply to the created invoice. Any new tax codes in the system will not apply to the created invoice.


System Effects


Application For Payment
Match Payment with Application

Related Window Descriptions

Application for Payment
Match Payment with Application


  1. Open the Application For Payment window and query for the contract number.
  2. Right-click and click Create Invoice.
  3. Create Invoice dialog box will be opened.
  4. Make sure that correct voucher date and user group is selected.
  5. If you want to print the invoice, select the Print Invoice Specification check box.
  6. Click OK.

An invoice can also be created by any of the following methods.

Creating an invoice when submitting the application.

  1. Right-click in the Application for Payment window and select Submit Application.
  2. Submit dialog box will be opened.
  3. Select the Create Invoice check box
  4. Click OK.

Creating an invoice when certifying the application

  1. Right-click in the Application for Payment window and select Certify.
  2. Certify Application dialog box will be opened.
  3. Select the Create Invoice check box.
  4. Click OK.

Creating an invoice when confirming payments

  1. Open the Match Payment with Application window and query for the contract number.
  2. Select the application that should be confirmed, right click, then click Confirm Payment.
  3. Create Invoice dialog box will be opened.