Define Flexible Break Rule


This activity is used to define flexible break rules which can be linked to employees through the day type. Employees connected to a rule will be allowed to have one or more breaks in a day provided that the day type does not have break intervals already defined. That is, employees can clock out and clock in several times within a day to have breaks.

Flexible break rules are controlled by two separate variants. If you use the Break on Intervals variant, the employee is required to register the break within the work hours specified. If the Break on Work Hours variant is used, the break hours allocated are calculated similarly by considering the work hours specified for each break, but the employee can register the break at any time in the day. That is, all the breaks registered by the employee are summed and compared with the total breaks that are allocated for the day.


System Effects


Work Hour Rules/Flexible Break Rule

Related Window Descriptions

Work Hour Rules/Flexible Break Rule


To enter flexible break rule;

  1. Open the Work Hour Rules window and go to the Flexible Break Rule tab.
  2. Select New in the header of window and enter an identity for the flexible break rule in the Flexible Break Rule ID field. Enter a description for the rule in the Flexible Break Rule Description field.
  3. Select a variant from the list in the Flexible Break Variant field.
  4. Enter values for break limits in the Maximum Break Limit and Minimum Break Limit fields.
  5. If you have selected Break on Work Hours as the flexible break variant, enter a wage code of type Normal in the Wage Code Normal field. Ensure that the wage code for normal hours in the day type is the same.
    Enter a wage code of type Balance Accrual in the  Wage Code Outside field. Ensure that the balance accrual wage code in the employee's flex balance is the same.
    Enter a wage code of type Lunch or Break in the Wage Code Break Hours field.

    Note: Wage code normal and wage code outside can only be specified for Break on Work Hours variant. These are used when there is an excess of normal hours calculated. The excess hours will be added to the flex balance of the employee.
  6. If you have selected Break on Interval as the flexible break variant, leave the other fields in the header empty.
  7. Select New in the table of the window.
  8. Enter the number of work hours in the Work Hours field.
  9. In the Break Hours field, specify the number of break hours that is required to be registered when the relevant work hours are fulfilled.
  10. Enter a wage type and wage code in their respective fields by using the List of Values.
  11. Save the information.